This forcing is used to prove the independence of the number of Ramsey ultrafilters from . We will give a brief overview of the results discussed in Halbeisen’s book. To be precise:
Theorem: Let be any cardinal. Then there is a model of
with exactly
Ramsey ultrafilters.
The idea behind the proof is to start with a lot of Ramsey ultrafilters, say many, for instance by starting in a model where
holds. Then we have that
, which in turn can be used to construct
RUF. Next, we choose
of them to preserve, and destroy all of the others. This can be done with an iteration of some forcing notion whose job it is to destroy exactly one RUF. One then has to make sure of course that:
- The iterated forcing notions don’t interfere with each other.
- No new RUF are added at limit stages.
This forcing notion which will be responsible for eliminating a RUF at a time is Shelah’s product tree forcing. First some preliminary definitions.
We define for that
We say a subset is a (product) tree if for all
such that
we have
, i.e.
is closed under taking initial segments. A tree is called perfect, if it splits indefinitely, i.e. for each element, we can find two different extensions. Product trees are a little more complicated than the usual trees encountered in Sacks or Miller forcing, since at level
, they potentially split into
branches. Let’s formalize that idea.
is called the restriction of up to level
. If we have an element
and some
, then we can concatenate them to get an element
. Let
be given. Then:
Now we are ready to define the -th meta level.
Next, we say a binary tree is a
-tree, if it is a full binary tree when restricted to its first
levels. We can then look at how “branching” the levels of
are by examining:
So in other words: means that every node on the
-th meta level branches into at least
nodes on the next meta-level. We are now finally in good shape to define the Shelah tree forcing. Consider a fixed P-family
. The conditions
of the Shelah tree forcing restricted to
are then given by perfect product trees, for which
for every
. The order is given by reverse inclusion. Together we denote them by
Let us now take a look at the properties of this forcing notion.
Proposition: is proper and
Lemma: Suppose is a Ramsey ultrafilter in the ground model and let
be a P-point in the ground model. Then if:
We must have . In other words, the Shelah tree forcing destroys only RUF with are below
in the Rudin-Keisler order of ultrafilters.
Lemma: Let be a P-point and
the corresponding Shelah tree forcing. If we have an
of other Shelah tree forcings
for some P-points
, then they do not intere with each other in the following sense:
Let be
-generic over
-generic over
, then
does not generate an ultrafilter in
. In other words,
killed the ultrafilter
, and no
-iterations of Shelah forcing can revive it.
With these properties, it is possible to prove that for instance the existence of just RUF is consistent with
. The proof of these properties is rather complicated, and one still needs to prove things such that
- a RUF will generate a RUF in an extension, if the forcing notion is proper,
-bounding, and preserves it as a P-point.
- non isomorphic RUF stay non isomorphic in
-bounding forcing extensions.